“Look at the Birds of the Air” by Kelly Ostergren

Brooster the Rooster.

“Look at the Birds of the Air”

The bird is no farmer:
She does not plant seeds
in neat rows or harvest into baskets.

She flutters 
like an anxious heart
about the sky
and alights 
among sweet summer berries.

Does she know
somewhere in that bird brain
that this feast is no lucky find?
This is her provision:
even the banquet
of the Almighty.

— Kelly Ostergren

Kelly Ostergren

Kelly moved from Annapolis, Maryland, to the Shenandoah Valley to attend James Madison University. She graduated with a B.A. in 2013 and received a graduate certificate in 2016. Before returning to the Valley in 2019 to work at Church of the Lamb, she lived in Tennessee, Massachusetts, and Maryland. Kelly enjoys walking in her neighborhood, hiking in the National Park, reading, baking bread, gardens, and sharing delicious food and laughter with her dearest people.


“Annunciation” by Kelly Ostergren


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