Ways to Give Financially
The gospel shapes every aspect of our lives, including the way we understand our finances and possessions. We encourage those who follow Jesus to give as an act of faithful worship, supporting the needs of our church and our community. If you’d like more information about designating your offering for a specific purpose, please scroll to the bottom of the page.
To give online with a credit card, debit card, or bank account, please click below:
To give by check, make your check payable to “Church of the Lamb” and mail to:
Church of the Lamb
PO Box 232
Penn Laird, VA, 22846
To designate your contribution for one of the ministries below, you may choose the specified fund/ministry from the drop-down menu of our online giving platform. If you give by one of the other listed methods, please make a note so we know how to direct your offering.
Our Dwell in the Land Ministry Plan includes giving to Church of the Lamb’s operations, Abbey projects, and infrastructure. (If you are looking for “General Fund” or “Building Fund,” this one essentially includes both.)
Our Rector's Discretionary Fund (RDF) is for Lamb’s clergy to use for the relief of immediate needs of Lamb’s parishioners as well as in the broader community.
Assets include stock and real estate. Transferring stock to a charitable organization can be tax advantageous.
For more information on giving gifts of stocks, please email parishadmin@churchofthelamb.org to connect with our Treasurer.
Church of the Lamb is situated on an active 31-acre farm and retreat space. We are gathering the farming implements and tools necessary to make our home beautiful and productive.
If you would like to give tools or implements, please contact daniel@churchofthelamb.org for a list of needed implements.
All donations are tax deductible. You will receive an end-of-year giving statement by the end of January each year. Note that all donations sent by mail or by auto draft check must be postmarked on or before December 31 in order to count toward that tax year. Donations received by offering must be in the offering plate on the last Sunday of the calendar year to be counted toward that tax year. Finally, donations received through other methods must be initiated on or before December 31 in order to be counted toward that tax year.