Frequently Asked Questions
What is Breeze?
Breeze is our Church Management System. If you don’t have access to your Breeze account, email Kelly@churchofthelamb.org or call the church office at 540-713-8770. Access allows you to find people’s contact information and respond to volunteer requests for Sunday volunteer roles. (Stay tuned for a video Daniel is making to help us all navigate Breeze more easily!)
How can I get a copy of the directory?
Using Breeze protects everyone’s contact information so only people who are part of our congregation can view it. You may generate the directory in Breeze (Tags > Online Directory > Export) or email Kelly@churchofthelamb.org for a digital or hard copy of the current directory.
How can the website help me stay in the loop?
—The home page of the website lists upcoming events with links to details as well as ongoing events such as Morning Prayer and children’s ministry. You may view a snazzy calendar at churchofthelamb.org/calendar.
—The home page includes a button that links to the most recent or upcoming worship guide. This is handy if you need to look up an announcement or if we run out of hard copies on Sunday morning.
—Information about Parish Groups is at churchofthelamb.org/spiritual-formation.
Where can I learn more about Anglicanism?
A printed Introduction to Anglicanism is available on the Welcome Table at the back of the worship space. You may also visit churchofthelamb.org/anglicanism or email Kevin@churchofthelamb.org to find out when our next To Be a Christian course will be offered or for other recommended resources.
What is the Community Corner?
The Community Corner is sometimes part of the weekly email newsletter. (You can sign up at the bottom of the page!) It contains information about events, opportunities, or needs at Lamb and in the broader community. Examples include local nonprofit events or housing needs. You may email parishadmin@churchofthelamb.org with something you would like included here. Requests must be received by Monday at noon to be considered for the Friday newsletter. Staff decide which announcements are appropriate to include and will follow up with you.
Who should I contact to ask for prayer?
Prayer requests are generally shared with members in your parish groups. However, the clergy and staff would love to pray for you specifically! (Fun fact: The staff and Vestry currently use the directory to pray together for one household each weekday.) Contact the people listed below with prayer requests. Let them know if you would like requests to be shared with anyone else or if you would like to keep them confidential.
—Kevin Whitfield | Rector | kevin@churchofthelamb.org
—Travis Dorman | Deacon | travisldorman@gmail.com
—Debbie Bennetch | People’s Warden on the Vestry | dbennetch@gmail.com
What if I have a question that isn’t answered here?
The staff is here to serve the church and community. If you are unsure where to find information or have a question, we would love to hear from you (540-713-8770 or parishadmin@churchofthelamb.org)! Individual emails for staff members are on our Staff & Leadership page.