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Church of the Lamb Service

Our worship service begins at 10 a.m.

On May 28, 2023 we moved our location to the barn on the church property at 362 Indian Trail Road, just up the street from Redeemer Classical School (our previous meeting place).

We sing both traditional and contemporary hymns. We pray for our community, our church, and the world. We read portions of Scripture and hear a sermon that relates God’s Word to our lives. Each week our worship culminates in the Eucharist, a celebratory feast open to all baptized Christians to celebrate God's work in our lives and our world through Jesus.

Stay after for coffee and bagels.


What to Expect



Your children are welcome to be a part of our worship service. There are currently no Sunday offerings of Childcare during worship. 

Penn Laird Anglican Eucharist


All baptized Christians, regardless of denomination, are welcome to receive Eucharist at Church of the Lamb.

Grape Juice as well as a gluten-free bread are available.

ACNA Service


People come to Lamb in a wide array of attire. You will see people in anything from jeans and flip-flops to slacks or a dress.

We want to hear from you. | (540) 713-8770