Adult Spiritual Formation

Learning to abide as disciples of Christ who love each other and our neighbor from a posture of gospel-infused rest.

Fall 2024 Adult Spiritual Community Opportunities

“Order your soul; reduce your wants; live in charity; associate in Christian community; obey the laws; trust in Providence.” ―Augustine 


Parish Groups

  • Leader: Daniel Zimmerman (

    Where: Novosel's home—5034 Trissels Road

    When: Wednesdays, 6–8 p.m.

    We have tons of kids and normally, weather permitting, meet outside. Each week, we have a potluck supper, followed by a time where we worship and pray together using the Book of Common Prayer’s evening liturgy for families.

  • Leader: Alec Bauserman (

    Where: Perings Home, 16653 E Washington Ave., Elkton

    When: Mondays, 5:30–7:30 p.m.

    Dinner, discussion, and prayer. Childcare possiblel but please let us know if you needed.

  • Leaders: Sam and Susanna Casteel (

    Where: Casteel Home—91 Sharon Street, Harrisonburg

    When: Wednesdays, 6–8 p.m.

    Our group's mission statement is “Growing a community of Jesus followers who seek to shine the light of Jesus to our neighbors and coworkers.” Everyone brings their own dinner and we eat together. We then move into our study, followed by gender-based prayer groups. We endeavor to end at 8, but rarely end on time.

  • Leaders: Rachel and Sarah Defnall (

    Where: Fletcher home—825 Sand Trap Lane

    When: Thursdays, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

    Childcare will be provided, but please RSVP so we can get an accurate count. We will share a meal together each week before entering a time of scripture, contemplation, and prayer. The Fletchers typically provide the main meal component and we coordinate the rest via email the week before. Please note that this is a family friendly group with eighteen children ages 0-11.

  • Leader: John Bennetch (

    Where: Martin's home—240 Claremont Avenue

    When: Wednesdays, 6–8 p.m.

    We rotate who provides meals. No childcare provided on site.

Other Groups/ Studies

  • Leader: Rector, Kevin Whitfield (

    When: Saturdays, 9—2 (includes lunch)

    Next class: February 22, 2025

    Required for all new members, this class introduces what is unique about Church of the Lamb: our mission and values, the Abbey, the ways we pursue spiritual formation and mission for adults and children.

  • Next class begins March 9, 2025

    This is a five-week course that culminates at Easter. Those who finish the course and wish to join the Anglican church will be welcomed in by the Bishop at his annual visit.

    We use the catechism of the Anglican Church in North America to consider the foundations of Christianity and Anglicanism. (“Catechism” may sound daunting and dusty; rest assured that this text provides plenty of life-giving, relevant truth.) RSVP here.

  • OT Survey: The Grand Story

    Leader: Zoe Hansen

    Monday mornings, 9:00—11:00

    Childcare available upon request.

    Contact Zoe at

Bring a friend.

Come Anytime

  • Where: Church office (contact

    When: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30–9:15 a.m.

    What: Join the church staff in following the Book of Common Prayer through Bible reading, reflection, and prayer.

  • Organizer: Dan Velker (

    Where: Velker home—3217 River Rd., Elkton

    When: 1st Sunday of the month, 5:30–8 p.m.

    What: Enjoy great food and conversation with men of all ages. Different men present each month on a great hero of the faith.

Want to go deeper? Try Triads.

Discipleship groups of three. A proven path for growth.

A Caveat. . .

Rest and Sabbath are integral to the lives of God’s people. We invite you to choose formation options that best feed your commitment to Christian community and spiritual growth without feeling you need to sign up for every option available at Church of the Lamb. As Church of the Lamb’s mission affirms, we are absolutely “compelled to love”, committing to abiding as disciples IN COMMUNITY and from there to take action in the world. But we are also “invited to rest.” By practicing sabbath, we say “yes” to God’s gracious invitation. For a blog article that we published on Sabbath, click here. That said, we encourage you to find at least one place outside of Sunday worship where you can plug in consistently.