The Cloister
A Blog of the Church of the Lamb Abbey
Booklist: Agriculture, Ecology, Food
Check out these books on on agriculture, ecology, and the theology of food!
The Meaning of a Cathedral
“Architecture, of all the arts, is the one which acts the most slowly, but the most surely, on the soul.” - Ernest Dimnet
Sanitation and Regenerative Agriculture
There are easy ways to keep our abbey property sanitized and safe from disease.
For Whom the Bell Tolls
In the podcast, “A Proper Christian Burial,” Mark Bauerlein of First Things magazine interviews Tim Perry on what constitutes a proper Christian burial and why it matters that Christians recover this practice.
Why Beauty Matters
We must adorn and cultivate our property in ways that reflect its created glory and its inherent worth as a place worth redeeming. We must refuse to surrender to the tyranny of utility, functionality, productivity, and pragmatism.